Record Detail

People of Sacramento Archive

Caption: The majority of all farm workers are of Mexican ancestry.

Date: 1967

Historical Context: The majority of all agricultural workers in the fields are of Mexican ancestry. The history of farm labor is full of conflict between the workers and the growers who hired the workers. Working conditions were strenuous and back-breaking, and the wages were below poverty level. The housing in labor camps was deplorable, and there was no recognition for a job well-done. The poor working conditions and social injustice led to the formation of the United Farm Workers union in the 1960s. The UFW's struggle represented the civil rights struggle of all Chicano people. It encompassed the movement for political, social and economic equality for everyone, not just the farm workers.

Ethnic Group: Mexican

Place: Stockton, San Joaquin County

Events: political demonstration

Names/Biographical Data: unidentified

Key Words: pressure, discrimination, sources, river, heritage, self-help

Image Number: To see a larger version of this picture, see image number 2234 and select the full-size image.

Objects/Items of Note: Demonstration sign which reads "STOP DESTROYING OUR RAZA" (race).

Image Credit: SMHD, Sacramento Ethnic Communities Survey, Rudolfo Cuellar, photographer and donor.

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